Author Archive

Gold in PX3 Prix de la Photography de Paris!

July 15, 2014
Edo Kars
We won gold in the category automotive of the ‘PX3 Prix the la Photography de Paris’ with our Lamborghini series! Continue reading

‘200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide 14/15’ Released!

September 27, 2013
Edo Kars
Luerzer’s Archive ‘200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide 2014/2015’ has been released. We are happy to show our work that has been selected! Click the front cover to see the two images. Like before, we will give away the ‘200 Best’...

KLM Miffy campaign nominated for Spin Award

April 1, 2013
Edo Kars
Good news! The KLM Miffy campaign is nominated for a Spin Award in the category online campaigns. We hope Energize will be a winner on the Spin Awards night! Click here for more info

Palmolive’s Ayurituel : behind the scenes

August 1, 2012
Edo Kars
Just a little sneak peek behind the scenes of the shoot for Palmolive’s new shower gel. See how a complete spa was designed and rebuilt in the studio. A great project! Client: Palmolive Agency: Y&R CD: Carmine Coppola AD: Laetitia...

200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide 12/13 Released

February 28, 2012
Edo Kars
The fourth edition of Luerzers’ Archive ‘200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide’ dropped on our doormat! We are very happy, that our work was chosen again for the newest 2012/2013 edition. One of the images shows an impression of Edo’s most memorable... Continue reading

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