Edo Kars selected for ‘200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide’

Hanneke Vos
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Edo Kars in 200 Best

We are proud to announce that Edo Kars’ work has been selected again for the newest edition of Lürzers Archive’s ‘200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide 2018/2019’.

Lürzers Archive published five images from two different campaigns, in the automotive section of their newest book. 

Series 1: Flanderijn

The first visual comes from a a series of three campaign images for Flanderijn. We created this image in cooperation with Luminous Creative Imaging. 

To create this visual, we combined studio photography and CGI. This integration of both techniques made it possible to get beautiful realistic images, without having to spend a big budget on a production on location. This visual was shot in the middle of the summer!

More visuals from this series can be found in the CGI/manipulation gallery.

Edo Kars Flanderijn Transportation CGI

Series 2: Lexus roadstory

The second four images come from the series we did for Lexus. Together with a small team, we shot this series in Rotterdam on a beautiful sunny day. 
Edo Kars Lexus Roadstory Photography Automotive Car Edo Kars Lexus Roadstory Photography Automotive Car Edo Kars Lexus Roadstory Photography Automotive Car Edo Kars Lexus Roadstory Photography Automotive Car



Please visit our people lifestyle category to see more.

We will give away a few copies of the 200 Best 2016/2017 edition. If you are intereseted, please send an email to hanneke@edokars.com.

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